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Privacy Policy Hanchant Construction

Privacy Policy & Data Security

At Hanchant Construction we are committed to protecting your privacy. You will not be spammed and we will continue to contact you unless you tell us otherwise. You can opt out at anytime. All information is treated in the strictest confidence and for the use of Hanchant Construction only, your details are not shared with any third party. We respect your privacy. 

Type of information we collect

We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way, (i.e. name, address, email, telephone number/s, credit/debit cards, etc.). Your information has not been obtained from any third party marketing lists. Your information has been obtained because you have either:

1. contacted us by phone.

2. completed an online purchase or telephone transaction.

3. completed one of our online contact/enquiry/subscription/

booking/lead generation forms. 

4. you have written to us.

How do we collect this information?

We collect this information as stated above. However, when you conduct a transaction on our website, as part of the process, we collect any personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address etc to be used for the reasons listed below. 

Why do we collect this information?

We will not spam or bombard you with endless emails, letters or telephone calls. We will only contact you and collect Non-personal and Personal Information about you to:

1. process your orders and to provide you with a more personalised service and tailored advice where appropriate and requested. 

2. stay in touch and provide on going support, advice and information requested which is given based solely on the information you provide. Hanchant Construction cannot be held responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided by you.

3. enable us to process and fulfil your orders. 

4. notify you of the status of your orders and if there is a problem, we can contact you. 

5. contact you with updates, offers, and other email/information we think may be of interest to you. 

6. create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we may use to provide and improve our respective services.

7. comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

8. we will not contact you in a spamming manner.

How do we store, use, share and disclose your personal information?

All information is treated in the strictest confidence. Your information is never shared. The information you provide (i.e. name, address, email, telephone number/s, credit/debit cards, etc.), is stored safely and securely and not accessible to third parties, (barring a fire, burglary or computer hack or any other unforeseen and unlikely terrible incident). 

Payment Gateways (where applicable)

Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. All direct payment gateways offered by Hanchant Construction and used by us adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard and American Express. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and our service providers.

Policy Updates

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. 

Your Consent

By ticking any of our boxes on our forms or submit buttons, or contacting us in any of the ways detailed above or submitting any of the above contact forms and methods, unless you say otherwise, you authorise and consent to the automatic collection and use of your information as detailed above by Hanchant Construction and you hereby state that you have read, understood and accept these terms and conditions and all information provided by you is true to the best of your knowledge.

Your right to withdraw

If you have not already chosen to opt out, you can withdraw your consent for collection of your personal information, or if you wish to delete, amend or change the collected information, you can do so at any time. If you have not already chosen to opt out and you would like to access, correct, amend or delete any personal information or you don’t want us to process your data anymore or if you have any questions regarding your data, please contact us with your enquiry or request at:


How do we use cookies and other tracking tools? 
Google Site Stats & Google Analytics

This website uses Google Site Stats and Google Analytics, Adwords & Remarketing (a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc, (Google)), to track clicks on Google Sponsored Links and help Google and advertisers to improve the quality and relevance of the ads you see and click on and to see visitor interaction on our site and to re-engage visitors. We use this to make sure the search terms we advertise on are relevant. About Google Site Stats


Please see Google Analytics' currently available opt-outs for the web.

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a site visitor's browser, usually used to keep track of their movements and actions on a site. In accordance with the GDPR, we must inform you that we are using cookies on our site. For types of cookies used, click here. Cookies are implemented in every site built by Wix.


Your Consent

By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information and of your email address by Hanchant Construction. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it. Your personal information may also be used by us to occasionally notify you about important changes to our Web site, new Hanchant Construction services/products and special offers we think you'll find interesting and valuable.​

Our Service Complaints Procedures

We reserve the right to refuse refunds for any work already undertaken, even if the work was not to your (customer) satisfaction..


However, in the unlikely event a service has not met with your expectations and you would like to request a refund/exchange, please email us at: explaining your reasoning.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at:

© 2024 Copyright of Hanchant Construction.

All Rights Reserved.

Site Logo, Branding And Website Created, Designed and Managed by

Hanchant Construction.

Copperkins, Lye Green, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 3LG.

Hanchant Construction, providing all Construction Services, New Builds, Extensions, Roofing, Driveways, Patios and more. Covering Chesham, Amersham, Beaconsfield, Gerrards Cross, High Wycombe and nearby surrounding areas in Buckinghamshire, Bucks.

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